Originators of efvalilja.se
Page | Name |
Start | Håkan Larsson and Hans Skoglund
Home |
Olof Thiel
News |
Håkan Larsson
Programme |
Hans Skoglund
Fragments |
Hans Skoglund
and subpages
Hans Skoglund |
CV |
Per Morten Abrahamsen
Artwork |
Sketches: Efva Lilja
Dance |
Mats Becker
Moona Björklund
Valery Gorchakov
Håkan Larsson
Ralph Nyqvist
Helene Schmidt
Hans Skoglund
Olof Thiel
Sketches "Blåst": Brit Swedberg
Cato Lein
Fredrik Wåhlstedt
Nick Mangafas
Peter Bergman
Site specifics |
Moona Björklund
Valery Gorchakov
Håkan Larsson
Johan Ljungström
Ralph Nyqvist
Helene Schmidt
Hans Skoglund
Annika Tersmeden
Olof Thiel
Chris Guetl
Films |
Johan Candert
Efva Lilja
Thomas Pommier
Olof Thiel
Ellinor Hallin
Books |
Moona Björklund
Tomas Gidén
Håkan Larsson
Olof Thiel
Objects |
Viktor Andersson
Drawings |
Viktor Andersson
Research |
Efva Lilja
Projects |
Efva Lilja
Papers |
Sketches: Efva Lilja
and subpages
Håkan Larsson |
Press |
See Dance and Site specifics (photographers are mentioned next to each specific press photo)
Contact |
Hans Skoglund
Choreographic drawings and quotes
Efva Lilja
Web development
Sofia Sundström
sofia [at] konfront.se